GSB 7.0 Standardlösung

Topic Area 6: Transport Economic Analyses

During previous research in the BMDV Network of Experts, numerous economically oriented transport questions arose. In a pilot project, researchers so far analyzed the influences of restrictions on transport routes regarding freight transport.

By doing this, the experts identified different cross-modal restrictions (e.g. construction sites and accidents) and different transport mode-specific restrictions (e.g. bridge closures and low water levels). Surveys among transport enterprises on the impacts of these restrictions as well as radio and satellite-based traffic data provide further information. With the start of the current research phase (2020-2025), the new topic area Transport economic analyses is continuing these researches and expands the economically oriented transport questions.

Using the treasury of data for transport economic analyses

Kontrolle der LKW-Maut mit einer Mautbrücke Source: Federal Logistics and Mobility Office

How can economically oriented transport questions be answered cross-institutionally as well as regionally and promptly?
Driven by this question, the researchers develop products as well as tools and establish the necessary processes and structures.

The essential basis for such analyses is spatially, highly resolved radio- and satellite-based transport data, which is available almost in real time, such as truck toll data and position data from shipping (Automatic Identification System, AIS). Furthermore, other traffic-related data such as meteorological and climate data as well as data on water levels provide essential information. Based on this data, the researchers for instance quantify intra- and inter-modal transport effects. Other application potentials arise for transport simulation models. These models calculate, e.g., the transport obstructions in case of extreme weather conditions or long periods of restricting weather conditions. Furthermore, the researchers use the contemporarily available data to describe development trends in the German freight transport at an early stage and to supplement information to transport statistics and check their plausibility.

Additional Information


  • Dr. Lisa May
  • +49 221 5776-4209
  • Teresa Stahl
  • +49 221 5776-4207